why do people buy

6 Reasons Why People Buy | What Makes Your Customers Purchase From You?

Why do people buy new products or invest their money in a particular service? Customers don’t buy things by chance. Even ‘impulse purchases’ still add value for the consumer. Understanding why your customers buy is key to developing a successful sales strategy. This handy infographic gives you 6 key reasons why people make buying decisions.

What do you feel motivates your ‘ideal customer’ to buy? More importantly, what makes them buy your product or service?

To summarise, a customers buying decision is based on many different things. Providing a service / product that truly adds value to your customers is vital. Why not think about the 6 purchase motivators and how you can fit these into your Business Marketing strategy?

  1. Your unique selling point
  2. Giving value for money
  3. The ‘Girl Scout Cookie’ effect
  4. Be mindful of basic needs and convenience
  5. Offer growth and education
  6. Building customer relationships

Do you need help understanding who your ‘ideal customer’ is and what motivates them to buy? We can help! Get in touch with us today.