should i outsource my marketing

In House Marketing Vs. Outsourcing Marketing to an Agency

The big question for companies considering online marketing in today’s digital world is whether to invest in having a marketing function in-house, or whether outsourcing your Marketing to an agency, such as Business Success Marketing, offers better value for money. Amidst all the uncertainty raised by the economic impacts of COVID 19, marketing budgets are being scrutinised. But how can you still find new customers whilst reducing your overheads at the same time? Well, the answer may be as simple as outsourcing.

Ultimately the decision you make should be what works best for your business. However, outsourcing your Marketing activity to an agency does have some great advantages. These benefits, which we will delve into throughout this article, mean that outsourcing is often the best business decision. Even if you already have an in-house Marketing team, you can still benefit from the added power that comes from working with a multi-skilled agency team. This is why we offer our Marketing Audit Service.

In-House Marketing

If you are going to hire an in-house Marketer, make sure you have assessed these four key factors:

  1. Recruiting: Do you have the time and expertise to accurately vet and, eventually, hire a Marketing executive? If the answer is no, we can do this for you and even give them initial training so they can make an immediate impact. Getting the right person in place first time is of paramount importance, saving you time, money and effort in the long-run.
  2. Space: Do you have enough infrastructure to house additional staff? Perhaps you have a good remote-working system. If not, you will need to think about putting the right processes in place for an in-house Marketer to either work from your office or, as is increasingly common, work remotely.
  3. Resources: Do you have the tools and applications that are needed for marketing efforts? This can include a laptop, company car, smartphone, graphic design tools, and appropriate management software.
  4. Money: Your Marketing specialist will need to be paid according to the skills they offer, as well as being funded for any marketing training necessary and overtime. Do you have the funds to provide additional training? Are you able to afford a full-time annual Marketing salary? If not, the solution is to simply pay for what you need by outsourcing.

What about Outsourced Marketing?

Outsourcing your marketing activity to an outside agency can be incredibly beneficial for companies of all sizes. Outsourcing in this way isn’t simply an option for small companies that ‘can’t afford’ an in-house team or are not ready to implement one. For example, our clients range from small family businesses to larger £multi-million companies; so any company can benefit from outsourcing. These are some of the most exciting benefits of outsourcing your Marketing:

  1. Cost-effectiveness: Working with a Marketing agency is a fraction of the cost that is needed to hire a full-time marketing employee. Also, you do not lose out on precious marketing time for holidays or sick leave, and do not have to provide additional training, software or mentoring.
  2. Range of Knowledge and Skills: Marketing agencies, like us, have a team of experts – often with a degree or vast expertise in their specialist fields that they have spent years ascertaining. When you outsource your Marketing, you immediately get access to a huge range of services and a number of professionals that can make your Business stand out; from web designers, copy writers and social media experts to more niche skills such as SEO and graphic designers.
  3. Flexibility: We offer a bespoke range of contract-free services that can help you to fulfil your marketing goals. This means that you can scale up or down depending on your requirements. As your needs change, so can the way we approach your marketing strategy. This is less easy with an in-house team, where you will have a fixed number of staff with specific skills, that you’ll have to keep paying even when it’s not necessarily providing much value. Working with an agency gives you access to the right tools to address your specific goals, at the time you need them.
  4. Dynamic: Outsourcing your Marketing can lead to a fresh, new perspective not only for your Marketing, but for your Business as a whole. With over 37 years of experience between us, the Business Success Marketing team know what works and have tried and tested all of our services within a vast range of industries. An agency often brings creative ideas and content to the table, as they are made up of a team of experts that deliver a solid strategy.

What Option is Best for Your Business?

Outsourcing your Marketing is the most cost-effective, long-term investment you can make in securing growth and competitive advantage for your business. With so many advantages, it is becoming increasingly more popular for companies to outsource their Marketing to an agency. Outsourcing to start with is a great plan, as you will soon learn the skills that will enable you to make better choices if you decide to take your Marketing in-house.

For less or a similar budget as hiring one in-house Marketer, a whole team of professionals can carry out marketing campaigns on your behalf, quickly and efficiently. When balancing time, space, resources and money, working with an external marketing agency makes the most financial sense for companies looking for an overall online marketing campaign solution that will bring long-term results.

How Do We Work?

We take the time to get to know your Business and your staff which is why we are both a Marketing and HR company; we know that having the right people in the right place, doing the right things, make your Business easier to Market. It is important to us to know you and your Business. This is why we always start off with a Discovery Day. This is where we get to understand your language, your goals and the most services / products you offer that give you the best Return on Investment.

Why not ask us about our Money Back Guarantee? 

We value the input of our clients and listen to their individual needs, taking a collaborative approach. Our lines of communication are open along the way, meaning that you never lose ‘control’ of your Marketing, and we pride ourselves on providing a stress-free service.

Whether or not you choose to employ in-house marketing staff, every organisation will benefit from an outside perspective.

To discuss outsourcing your Marketing, or how to improve or build on it in-house, please get in touch with us on:

01752 220 377 or email [email protected]