how to use LinkedIn

Get Your LinkedIn Working For You

With over 766 million users, LinkedIn is the social network for generating leads, building brand awareness, establishing yourself within your industry and making real-life connections / networks that are full of potential.

However, just being on LinkedIn is not enough. You need to understand who you are trying to attract and show them that you are an expert in your field, so they want to connect and communicate with you. To elevate your results from LinkedIn, follow the 8 steps below:

  • 1. Target Audience: take time to identify who your target audience is and ensure your profile is relevant to get them. What can you say or showcase that will make them want to engage with you?
  • 2. Show your Face: People are less likely to connect with someone who does not upload a professional picture of themselves. If you do not upload a high quality profile photo of your face, this communicates three things to your prospects;
    •  You can not be bothered! Therefore why would anyone be bothered to connect with you?
    • You lack basic social media skills, so you are unlikely to be any use for Networking with!
    • You are not trustworthy!

In fact, showing your face on LinkedIn attracts over 10x more profile views than without…and please do not replace your face with that of a child or animal!

  • 3. Attract: Your headline is one of the first things people see about you. Make your headline short and to the point, effectively telling people what you do.
  • 4. Results: Focus on the results and solutions you can deliver from your audience engaging with you.
  • 5. Proof: Give an example or a case study to confirm that you have successfully delivered what you say you’ve delivered. Include links to your articles, blog posts, testimonials, website, recommendations and endorsements.
  • 6. Visibility: Make yourself easy to find by using keywords and phrases in your profile header, description and work experience section to highlight your skills to those looking for them.
  • 7. Network: Connect and build relationships with those that can potentially introduce you to their connections. Keep in touch by making your content and messages relevant. Become a recognised voice or a thought leader by publishing posts and articles that attract others to directly communicate with you.
  • 8. Take Action: Check out those that have viewed your profile and start up a conversation with them, thanking them for viewing your profile and asking if you can offer any support.

If you’d like some support or training on LinkedIn, to help you reach your goals, please get in touch with us today: